
How to read my blog

I don’t like filters πŸ‘Ž

Ideally my content is good enough that you want to read all of it, so, no matter what I write about, you will be interested in reading it. Therefor, I decided to avoid the use of classic #tags or categories, and instead, I will use a more organic way of navigating through my blog.

How to read my blog? πŸ“š

We have marvellous filters already built in our human body, our eyes and brain.

Color is a powerful tool to guide the eye, so I will use it to help you navigate through my blog. With this simple color code, you will be able to know what you are reading at a glance. Images will contain one of this colors in their text.

Color Code 🎨

  • Life: πŸ”΄ Red
  • Tech: 🟒 Green
  • Learning: πŸ”΅ Blue
  • Other: βšͺ️ White

As simple as that, you can now navigate through my blog with ease. Enjoy reading! πŸ“–